In February 2023 David Fishman at TLG wrote an article on China’s Photovoltaic Boom which was published in “The China Project”.
In a recent article for Asian Power, Mike Thomas noted that energy transition is well underway but still not well understood.
In this China Watching Brief we take a close look at the extended power blackouts currently paralysing the industrial sector in Sichuan and Chongqing, working through the reasons for the shortages, estimating the true extent of the power insufficiency, predicting how long it will take to see relief, and discussing long-term considerations for China’s power sector planning going forward.
In this edition of Just the FAQs we answer nine key questions on the Chinese coal power sector in 2022.
In this China Watching Brief we take a look at how China’s decarbonisation efforts are intersecting corporate green power procurement initiatives to drive momentum for green power trading in China.
The DART initiative at TLG is all about the specialist nature of solutions to complex energy challenges.
In this edition of our periodic "TLG On ..." series, we discuss how to establish a renewable energy portfolio in Korea.
이번 TLG on에서는 한국에서 RE100을 실현하는 방안과 재생에너지 구매 포트폴리오를 구축 방안에 대하여 논의하고자 한다.
This TLG Watching Brief is in response to China’s top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), holding a press briefing to announce major changes to the power pricing arrangements for coal-fired power, as well as the way in which commercial and industrial power customers buy power.
This TLG Watching Brief is in response to Chinese media reports of as many as 19 provinces being affected by some form of power rationing.